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.Saturday, February 24, 2007 Y

Whoa! It’s been ages since I last wrote here. Obviously, I’ve been grounded to use the internet. But the irony of it was when they ground me on the internet, they gave me a new cell phone. It’s a good thing for me. But then, what kind of parent would do that? MY PARENTS!! Haha.

This month has been weird. Aside from the fact that it’s so hectic for me because of all the practices for dramatics and the Filipino thing, a lot of my friends are sad because of their boyfriends dumping them or losing their loved ones. Why has been the month of love and happiness turned into a month of dread and horror? To tell you the truth, this month is also sad for me because I can’t stand seeing my friends like this.

But then, we’re not as emotional as you think. We have also been like social animals lately, going out with our guy friends, attending fairs, boy hunting, and the like. It was so fun. But of course, one thing that was stopping us from having fun was our curfew *laughs hysterically*.

Gahd, I really wish that I were older so that no bars would come on hold for me. So that I could be as free as a bird in going out, partying, etc. I can’t stand their treating me as a kid. I’m thirteen (turning fourteen this March). They don’t even allow me yet to have a boy friend (but I currently have one. Don’t tell my parents!!). So in short, I’m really rebellious when restricted.

*continuation next time*

waiting for you right here
6:20 AM


  Me llamo bea capili. But you could just call me BEI. Anyway, here are my some of the facts about me...
NAME: Bea Capili
AGE: 14 years. :|
HOBBIES: surfing the net, BLOGGING, chatting, reading, sleeping, eating, watching TV... yadda-yadda-yadda... the usual :)
SPORT: badminton. I'm struggling at it, though.
INTERESTS: performing, acting, singing, my dogs and lobsters, PS2 games like: Dino Crisis, Metal Gear, Resident Evil, Dance Revo (Every girl has a boyish side too, you know.), Chick-lits, Harry Potter Series, Books by Mitch Albom, my cell phone, flip-flops, bags, music,ONE TREE HILL, America's Next Top Model, and a whole LOT more...


      "At this moment, there are 6 billion, 4 hundred, 71 million, 8 hundred, 18 thousand, 6 hundred, 71 people in this world. Some are running scared. Some are coming home. Some tell lies to make it through the day. Others are just now facing the truth. Some are evil men at war with good, and some are good... struggling with evil. 6 billion people in the world, 6 million souls -- And sometimes, all you need is ONE"

     -Peyton Sawyer "One Tree Hill"


January 2007 February 2007 April 2007 May 2007 July 2007 August 2007 December 2007



Unkymood Punkymood (Unkymoods)

***credits to Zaffy



♥Cheska Villacorta[b] [m]
♥Karmela Nebrija[b]
♥Nichola Brandes[m]
♥Tony Battung[m]
♥Nikki Surtida[b]
♥Aa Samaniego[b]

♥Joanna Zafra[b]
♥Esme Palaganas[m]


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